Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Self Explore - what you really see from me?

i know it is hard to be explore ourself, but it is a good to be know ourself, what i am, what i want, who is me?

sometime it is easy to judged other people, but it is not easy to judges ourself by ourself...diffrent people have diferrent view, it such like 100 people at least have 90 different comment about you... if we really need to change for this 90 person, then i will have 90 different angle, perspective view, even mindset...haha i think i will gonna die on that time.

i am not saying that change because of something is not that good, it is good, but we really have to justified what is the good, and the best for myself...we have to know

so what you really see from me?

Is it the thngs i see same what you see from is optional, and it is no answer

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